Authentication and interface

The Users and rights > My data > Authentication and interface menu is divided into four sections:

  • Password, to change your password
  • Authentication card, to renew your authentication card
  • Secret questions, to set a secret question
  • Interface data, click on Edit to change:
    • The language of your profile
    • Your time zone
    • Your interface profile


This section displays the date on which you have set your current password.

Connecting to Iziago requires a password. For security purposes, please make sure it contains at least:

  • One upper case letter
  • One lower case letter
  • One digit
  • One special character
  • Eight characters

Changing your password:

  1. Select Users and rights > My data > Authentication and interface.
  2. Click on Change password.
  3. Enter:
    1. Your current password.
    2. Your new password.
    3. Your new password again.
  4. Click on Enter.

Authentication card

This section displays:

  • The date on which you have changed your current authentication card
  • Your current authentication card’s identification number

The authentication card is intended to ensure a high level of security by preventing unauthorized connections. For security reasons, Iziago does not fully display the identification number.

Renewing your authentication card:

  1. Select Users and rights > My data > Authentication and interface.
  2. Click on Renew authentication card.
  3. In the pop-in window, click on Renew to confirm.
  4. Iziago will:
    1. Send your new authentication card to your email address.
    2. Update the authentication card in the database with the related validity dates.

Please keep this card safe. You will need it every time you want to access Iziago.

Selecting the e-mail language

This section enables you to define the language used in formal communication.

Selecting the secret questions

Iziago enables you to select a secret question and to set its answer. Should you encounter any issues with your password, authentication card or certificate, answering the secret question helps the software to easily identify you.

Setting a new secret question:

  1. Click on Modify.
  2. In the drop-down list, select a secret question.
  3. Enter your answer to the question.
  4. Click on Enter.

Defining the interface data

This section displays the following fields:

  • Time zone: Time zone in which to display time and date.
  • Interface profile: Profile applied to your interface. Profiles determine the display format of dates, hours and numbers.
  • A preview of the selected interface profile.

Changing your interface data:

  1. Modify the desired fields and check the preview.
  2. Click on Save.

To edit or add an interface profile, see Interface profiles.