
Prerequisite: You must have access to the Cash forecasting module and have registered at least one bank account to use it.

The Settings > Personal settings > Notifications menu allows you to set up e-mail notifications and alerts for:

  • Your cash balances.
  • Your transactions to reconcile or to flag as realized. 

Cash balances section

You can choose to receive an alert by e-mail to inform you if the cash balance of a bank account is lower than the minimum threshold or higher than the maximum threshold you set up. To do this:

  1. Check the box in the E-mail column for the bank accounts for which you want to receive notification.
  2. For each bank account:
    • Enter the lowest amount that the cash balance can reach.
    • Enter the highest amount that the cash balance can reach.
    • Enter the number of days you want to monitor the balance.
    • Select the type of balance: Booking or Value.
      Note: If value dates are disabled for cash balances, Iziago automatically considers the booking date.
    • Click on Save.

Transactions to flag/reconcile section

You can choose to receive an alert by e-mail to inform you of the number of transactions to reconcile or to flag as realized. To do this:

  1. Check the box in the E-mail column for the bank accounts for which you want to receive notification if  at least one transaction has to be reconciled or flagged as realized.
  2. Click on Save.